[vtk-developers] Class design for spline visualizations

Lin M majcjc at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 01:06:58 EDT 2015

Hi Dr. Thompson,

I have added a method in vtkPatchInterpolation to generate triangle strips
for surfaces. I tested a cylindrical surface patch from the NURBS book and
I think it's correct.


On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 7:32 PM, David Thompson <david.thompson at kitware.com>

> Hi Lin,
> > Your last message is quite informative. I think it is mainly to
> implement a method in vtkPatchInterpolation which takes in a bezier patch,
> number of samples and ...
> That would be a great start. Eventually it would be nice to have
> curvature-adapted surfaces, but just accepting a number of samples along
> each axis will be something we need in any event.
> > ... return a vtkUnstructuredGrid?
> I would accept a vtkUnstructuredGrid pointer as input and insert into it
> so that it is easy to create one grid with triangles from multiple patches.
>         David
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