[vtkusers] How to configure cmake to include /Accelerators/Vtkm classes

Robert Maynard robert.maynard at kitware.com
Mon Nov 19 08:45:45 EST 2018

Hi Trinian,

To enable the VTK-m algorithms you will need to enable
`Module_vtkAcceleratorsVTKm`. The option can be enabled on the command line
with '-DModule_vtkAcceleratorsVTKm:BOOL=ON '  or found under advanced in
the GUI.

On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 4:28 PM Trinian Gordon <trinian.gordon at outlook.com>

> Hello,
> I have read that it is possible to include a select number of VTKm classes
> into a VTK pipeline. I see that there are a few of those classes included
> in the vtk repository under /Accelerators/Vtkm, but are not found by cmake.
> How do I build VTK so I can use the VTKm filters?
> Building vtk with the cmake gui, changing only the basic options for
> output filepaths and using TBB for the VTK_SMP_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE works
> fine. When I try to use the accelerators, they appear to be missing from my
> build.
> Thanks,
> Trinian
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