[vtkusers] Combination of HighlightSelection example and ExtractVisibleCells

Romain LEGUAY romain.leguay at gmail.com
Thu Sep 14 05:25:42 EDT 2017

Hello everyone,

I try to do some area cell picking. My object is a sphere. 

I started from the HighlightSelection example but the selection is done on the whole volume so not visible cells are also picked. 

I was thinking to use vtkHardwareSelector like in ExtractVisibleCells example then apply the picking on the output object obtain from the vtkExtractSelection filter but I saw that vtkHardwareSelector doesn’t work with antialiasing (that my application use).

I wanted to know if there is a way to test if a cell is visible or not for an unstructured grid. (I saw that the structured grid provide a method to do this but not unstructured grid).

Thank you!


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