[vtkusers] How to extract rectangular regions from a vtkActor

Remi Charrier remi.charrier at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 03:46:21 EDT 2016

Dear all,

I am trying to extract specific rectangular regions (a box) from a
vtkActor. (I want to extract only the parts I need of a vtkActor so that my
filters run faster).

So far, I managed to do this by using the vtkExtractPolyDataGeometry filter
and defining the regions I am interested in in the SetImplicitFunction.
However this filter takes as input the vtkPolyData* linked to my vtkActor
and not the vtkActor itself. It seems that by doing this, It does not
consider the transform I have applied to my vtkActor through the
SetPosition() function.
I managed to find a way to apply the transform to the vtkPolyData itself
and not to the vtkActor but I have the feeling that makes everything slower
than what it could.

So here is my question: Is there an extract filter that can be applied to a
vtkActor and not to the vtkPolyData and that therefore consider the User
Transform set to the vtkActor? I tried to find something by myself but I
may be missing some key words...

Best Regards,
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