[vtkusers] Volume rendering problem

Elvis Stansvik elvis.stansvik at orexplore.com
Thu Aug 11 05:37:08 EDT 2016

2016-08-11 11:18 GMT+02:00 Elvis Stansvik <elvis.stansvik at orexplore.com>:

> Hi all,
> I'm wrestling with a volume rendering problem.
> I've set up a very basic pipeline that just renders a volume.
> As source it uses a custom reader I wrote that loads a volume from a HDF5
> dataset (float).
> It seemed to be working fine with the volume I had been testing with (see
> attached works_fine.png), which was a 120x120x2000. In addition to the the
> rendering itself, the screenshot shows a histogram plot I was using for
> debugging, as well as some editor controls I use to modify the
> color/opacity transfer function.
> I then tested with another volume which is larger (300x300x5000), but
> apart from that has pretty much the same characteristic for its scalar
> values as the first one, and all of a sudden I don't see anything. See the
> attached not_working.png, which shows the setup using the problematic
> volume.
> As you can in the histogram, there's a lot of voxel values roughly around
> 1, much like in the first volume, so I would expect that with the same
> transfer functions (black color, and an opacity ramp from 0.0,0.0 up to
> 5.0,1.0), I should see _something_.
> I'm pretty sure I'm missing something basic here, but does anyone have an
> idea why I get the expected rendering with my smaller volume, but not with
> the bigger one?
> Thanks a lot for any advice!

Sorry, shortly after sending this I think I got one step closer to an
explanation. The file from which I load this second, larger, volume is
actually a concatenation of several files, and I just tried loading one of
the files separately and it worked fine (the rendering looks as expected).
So something is probably wrong in the script I use for concatenating HDF5
files. I'll do some digging there.


> Elvis
> PS. If you're confused by the range of the vtkAxisActor that you see in
> the screenshots, when comparing to the the volume sizes I stated above,
> it's because my custom render currently hardcodes the spacing to 0.2. DS.
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