[vtkusers] Small question about the camera parallel scale

Andrea Borsic aborsic at ne-scientific.com
Wed Aug 10 04:05:35 EDT 2016

Hi Elvis,

Could it be that the height and width are probably measured from the 
focal point to the border (thus 500 units would result in a border to 
border height of 1000 units) ?



On 10-Aug-16 9:39 AM, Elvis Stansvik wrote:
> The docs for Get/SetParallelScale says:
> "Set/Get the scaling used for a parallel projection, i.e. the height 
> of the viewport in world-coordinate distances."
> But it seems that the parallel scale is actually twice the height of 
> the viewport in world-coordinate distances. E.g. if I want 1000.0 
> units in world-coordinates to be visible in the vertical direction in 
> the viewport, I should set the parallel scale of the camera to 500.0.
> Am I missing something? Or is it just that I don't know the 
> terminology, what does "height of the viewport" actually mean?
> Thanks in advance,
> Elvis
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Andrea Borsic Ph.D.
CEO & Founder NE Scientific LLC
Tel: +1 603 676 7450
Web: www.ne-scientific.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ne_scientific

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