[vtkusers] XLM File Format: Unstructured Grid VTU - Detail: attributes of, , PointData and CellData

Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Kunzelmann karl-heinz at kunzelmann.de
Sun Mar 17 17:26:08 EDT 2013

Hello Andy,

thank you very much for these explanations!

Especially the following paragraph was important! I did not understand 
this before your made the difference clear!

> This attribute marking sometimes gets confused with thinking about scalar or
> vector physical quantities (e.g. temperature or velocity, respectively)
> but it is independent of that. Thus you could have a temperature array
> and a pressure array along with other physically scalar arrays but only
> one would be marked as being a VTK scalar array and that's the one a
> filter would look for to do its work with respect to.



Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Kunzelmann
Poliklinik für Zahnerhaltung und Parodontologie
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Goethestr. 70
D-80336 München

Tel.: +49 - 89 - 51609346
homepage: www.kunzelmann.de
email:  karl-heinz at kunzelmann.de

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