[vtkusers] VTK 6.0 .lib file naming convention

John Drescher drescherjm at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 21:23:37 EDT 2013

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 9:05 PM, Chao Liang <chaolian at mtu.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just built VTK 6.0. I found in lib directory, all files' name is ending
> with '-6.0', e.g., vtkChartsCore-6.0.lib
> I just feel very strange. I want to know if this is true. Or maybe I
> compiled wrong?
This is expected.  6.0 is a new major release. There were many changes
and part of the changes were dividing the code into many modules.
> Another question, it seems from VTK 5.7 to VTK 6.0, a lot of .lib names
> change. How can I know which file is playing the same role as before? I
> mean, e.g., Are vtkChartsCore-6.0.lib in VTK 6.0 plays the same role as
> vtkCharts.lib in VTK 5.7?
> Thanks in advance. Any comment and answer is appreciated.

My recommendation is to generate your project files (yes even for
visual studio) for your application using CMake and do not worry about
which of the 100s of libraries you need to include. Instead add
${VTK_LIBRARIES} to your target_link_libraries.


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