[vtkusers] vtkOBJExporter, vtkVRMLExporter and vtkPolyDataWriter problem

Joachim Pouderoux joachim.pouderoux at kitware.com
Wed Dec 19 12:01:20 EST 2012

Hi Mickael,

This is a "classical" locale issue with french configurations.

Try to add
   setlocale(LC_ALL, "C");
  std::setlocale(LC_ALL, "C");

in the first line of your main function.


2012/12/19 R M <mlokida at yahoo.fr>

> Hi,
> I use vtk 5.8 with Linux Centos 6.
> My problem is when I use vtkOBJExporter, vtkVRMLExporter and
> vtkPolyDataWriter, files are created but I can't open them anymore.
> It seems that I have a probem with the format.  I have ","  instead of "."
> as numbers separators.
> So, I have change the locals of my system.  It only works for the vtk
> output but I have still problems with obj and wrl that I have exported.
> I have this message:
> I can't open them anymore with my application. I have a reading error (Error
> reading ascii data. Possible mismatch of datasize with declaration.)
> Any idea in order to save and open them correctly ?
> Thanks !
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*Joachim Pouderoux*

*PhD, R&D Enginee*r
*Kitware SAS <http://www.kitware.fr>*
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