[vtkusers] I need helping for use properly the simple legacy format

Sebastien Jourdain sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Tue May 17 22:35:58 EDT 2011

Hi Aradnix,

you don't need to do anything more. In fact the voxel connectivity is
implicit based on STRUCTURED_GRID + DIM + Points coords...

the dimension give you the number of point for each 2D layer... When
you try to load your file in ParaView, do you get any error ?
I don't see where you are getting confused ?

Moreover, if your grid has the same spacing, you don't need to give
the coordinates of the points at all. You just need to describe your
grid. Number of element in each dimension, space between those
elements, origin and your data based on their localization


On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 10:10 PM, Aradenatorix Veckhom Vacelaevus
<aradnix at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Sebastien:
> Thanks, well I think I was not enough clear with my explanation, in fact the
> points I mentioned aren't random points, we used a grid with voxels I think,
> we need it for the discretization of the domain and can perform the Finite
> -element Method (FEM), now we need to visualize the result.
> About my example, I wrote only the first 5 points, not all the 125, so
> according with your comment the dimension should be 5 x 5 x 5 = 125, in Fact
> in the header of my file says that:
> 5 NUMERO DE SUBDOMINIOS (Number of Subdomains)
>   4852108.558056722000000   4.858791656580212E+008  POSICION-PRESION
>      10.00     10.00     10.00     LX,LY,LZ
>          5         5         5      LS,MS,NS, -
> And well, now I don't know how to build those voxels in VTK, I think that
> should be inside the Lookup Table. Well that's all I understand and I hope
> can solve your doubts about my case.
> Thanks again:
> Aradnix

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