[vtkusers] I need helping for use properly the simple legacy format

Aradenatorix Veckhom Vacelaevus aradnix at gmail.com
Tue May 17 22:10:35 EDT 2011

Hi Sebastien:

Thanks, well I think I was not enough clear with my explanation, in fact the
points I mentioned aren't random points, we used a grid with voxels I think,
we need it for the discretization of the domain and can perform the Finite
-element Method (FEM), now we need to visualize the result.

About my example, I wrote only the first 5 points, not all the 125, so
according with your comment the dimension should be 5 x 5 x 5 = 125, in Fact
in the header of my file says that:

5 NUMERO DE SUBDOMINIOS (Number of Subdomains)
  4852108.558056722000000   4.858791656580212E+008  POSICION-PRESION
     10.00     10.00     10.00     LX,LY,LZ
         5         5         5      LS,MS,NS, -

And well, now I don't know how to build those voxels in VTK, I think that
should be inside the Lookup Table. Well that's all I understand and I hope
can solve your doubts about my case.

Thanks again:
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