[vtkusers] vtkDataObject meta-data

Jérôme jerome.velut at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 10:58:29 EDT 2009

Well, by reading the code I found my answer: it seems that FieldData is what
I need. My new question is now about code documentation:
The member FieldData in vtkDataObject is commented as " // General field
data associated with data object  " that was clear enough for my
understanding.. With Doxygen, a simple "!" in the comment character would
make appear in the on-line documentation, isn't it? Are you using a modify
version of Dox that prohibited the use of member comment?

Thx again,


2009/10/12 Jérôme <jerome.velut at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I wonder if it exists a member array for vtk data object, that is able to
> store user data. I use intensively vtkPointData, that stores data for each
> point, and vtkCellData. For example vtkStreamTracer does use these array to
> store ReasonForTermination of each streamline, etc.
> What I would like is something possibely named vtkObjectData to store, for
> example, parameters of an algorithm that produced an output. I thought about
> using an empty cell, but I found this idea not very elegant...
> Thanks a lot,
> Jerome
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