[vtkusers] QVTK class refresh

Clinton Stimpson clinton at elemtech.com
Thu May 14 10:13:16 EDT 2009

You call QVTKWidget::update() or vtkRenderWindow::Render(), not 
That might solve the problem with wglMakeCurrent you reported in another 


Giancarlo Amati wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I do really need an answer: I'm developing a software with QT + VTK, 
> using QVTK. Now, does this plug in have aany menthod for refresshing 
> the content? because I'm calling the Render() function of the 
> vtkRenderer and it doesn't work, I call ResetCamera()......and it 
> doesn't work, the only way to refresh the content is resizing the 
> window......so that's insane if it is the only way.
> so, using a VTK and/or QVTK how is that possible to refresh the content?
> Kind Regards.
> Giancarlo Amati
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