[vtkusers] compilating errors of a program that uses VTK and GDCM (via CMake)

Stéphane CALANDE scalande at gmail.com
Tue Oct 7 13:55:24 EDT 2008


I'm trying to compile a source c++ that uses VTK and GDCM libraries (
http://info.fundp.ac.be/~scalande/problem/gdcmorthoplanes.cxx if it is
useful... ).

I have installed the last versions of VTK and GDCM, and I use CMake to
generate the Makefile. (I'm on Windows)
But, when I compile, I always meet the same errors, even if I take other
example files.
The errors I receive are "multiple definition of"...

I'm a newbie and I have tried everything today to manage to compile my
examples but without any result.

In order to be easier to understand the problem I meet, I created a little
.png file that summarize my problem.

I would really appreciate it if someone could help me by explaining me the
problem or by giving solutions to resolve it.

Thank you very much.
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