[vtkusers] Sample code using VTK and DICOM

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 02:51:17 EDT 2008


On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 3:58 AM, masabumi ishihara
<maty.ishihara at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Mathieu,
> Thank you for your help.
> Yesterday, I succeeded in making and building gdcmviewer.
> But, there seems to be some problems.
> Problem 1:
>  The combination of the versions of VTK and GDCM are strictly limited as
> follows;
>                                        VTK                  GDCM
>        Debug mode:          vtk-5.0.4             gdcm-2.0.9
>        Release mode:        vtk-5.2.0             gdcm-2.0.8
>   The above results are correct?

Yes it should work. No this is not limited to this only combination.

> Problem 2:
>  The process interval to the large DICOM data, i.e. moving and zooming, is a
> little bit late,

late ? do you mean slow ?
you need to split this in two operation to determine what you call
slow: write a piece of code that load a DICOM and return. Write a
script that load a png file and start a vtkImageViewer, and benchmark

> not only debug mode of vtk-5.0.4 and gdcm-2.0.9 but also release mode of
> vtk-5.2.0       and gdcm-2.0.8. Moreover, those two gdcmviewers process time
> are almost the same.
>  Is that right?

gdcm is much faster in Release mode AFAIK since it remove the pre/post
conditions written using asserts.


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