[vtkusers] VTK build run test fail, please help...

Amy Squillacote ahs at cfdrc.com
Thu Feb 7 09:16:19 EST 2008

Hi Phyo,

The first link you sent (the one showing all the errors) seems to 
indicate that you're trying to run testing, but the VTK-related 
executables required to do that have not been compiled. Did you build 
VTK before trying to run it's tests? If you downloaded the Windows 
installer, you will only be able to use VTK from Tcl. If you downloaded 
VTK source code, you must compile it before you can do anything with it.

If you built VTK from the source code, did you compile it in Release or 
Debug mode? If you compiled it in Release mode, then the executables you 
built would be in your C:/vtkbin/bin/Release directory rather than in 
C:/vtkbin/bin/Debug. If you compiled it in Release mode, then you should 
be running the tests in that mode as well.

- Amy

phy0 ky6w wrote:
> Hi everyone..
> I am new to VTK. I have been trying to install it since two weeks ago 
> but still unsuccessful.
> I have CMake 2.2.3 and TCl on my Windows XP and build 
> VTK-5.0.4 with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.
> This following link is RUN_TESTS.plg file from C:\vtkbin\.
> http://edventure.ntu.edu.sg/bbcswebdav/users/saip0002/project/RUN_TESTS.plg
> Task Manager
> http://edventure.ntu.edu.sg/bbcswebdav/users/saip0002/project/msvc-build-err.JPG
> Your help would be gladly appreciated...
> Thank you.
> Best regards
> Phyo Kyaw
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Amy Squillacote                    Phone: (256) 726-4839
Computer Scientist                 Fax: (256) 726-4806
CDF Research Corporation           Web: http://www.cfdrc.com
215 Wynn Drive, Suite 501
Huntsville, AL  35805

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