[vtkusers] Building VTK on XP 64-bit - unresolved external symbol __imp_Tcl...

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Sun Nov 4 17:14:02 EST 2007

Glad my lead actually lead you somewhere.......

To link with Tcl for a 64-bit build, you will have to build your own Tcl
libraries as 64-bit first. I don't think ActiveState provides pre-built
64-bit libraries.

Try building Tcl/Tk as 64-bit from source and then link against that.

I think the error you are seeing is because you are trying to link 32-bit
tcl libraries to 64-bit VTK binaries...

Good luck,

On 11/4/07, Avishay Sidlesky <avishay.s at xurity.com> wrote:
>  Hi,
> I followed a lead by David Cole, suggesting to build VTK from the latest
> sources in CVS,
> since it includes several important fixes related to building VTK on
> Windows 64-bit.
> Once the sources have been downloaded, I have configured CMake to build
> VTK on Visual Studio 2005, 64-bit VTK with WRAP_TCL.
> For some reason, vtkCommomTCL doesn't build properly, issuing many linking
> errors:
> 15>   Creating library D:\dev\VTK\bin\Debug\vtkCommonTCL.lib and object
> D:\dev\VTK\bin\Debug\vtkCommonTCL.exp
> 15>vtkWin32ProcessOutputWindowTcl.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external
> symbol __imp_Tcl_DeleteCommand
> 15>vtkTclUtil.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
> __imp_Tcl_DeleteCommand
> …..
> I must have missed something in the process, and probably configured CMake
> erroneously.
> Does anyone have a clue?
> TIA,
> Avishay
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