[vtkusers] Interacting with VTK under Mac OS X

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Fri Mar 16 19:21:07 EDT 2007

Martin Costabel wrote:
> The problem is that, as others have answered already, that nobody seems
> to know how to get this to work. I have read the documentation and the
> sources many times forwards and backwards, and I have literally spent
> several days in vain trying to get CMake for VTK to produce
> install_names like /sw/lib/vtk/libvtkCommon.5.0.dylib.
> If the result of the present discussion is a working example for VTK
> libraries, I would be very glad.

The reason it doesn't work in VTK 5.0 is because that was released
before CMake 2.4 so it does a big hack to prevent installation with any
kind of rpath enabled.  Also the default behavior for the release branch
is to have rpaths off.  Apply the attached patch to re-enable
installation with rpaths.  Then run

cmake ../VTK-5.0 \

This should get it working for most of the libraries.  Then instead of
using -DCMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR:STRING=/sw/lib you can add


to the source tree.  You may also need to use SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES to
tweak the setting for a few targets, but probably not.

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