[vtkusers] points problem for newbie

Spencer Ross Austin sr.austin at btinternet.com
Thu Jun 21 15:43:53 EDT 2007

Dear VTK Users


I am new to the VTK/TK world and am having a few teething problems, the
small program I have written below won't work because it seems I can't pass
a vtkPoints request into the scale option, which I hope will allow me to
affect the point of insertion for my glyphs, making the points move up and
down or left and right depending on the scale bars.


I would appreciate if anyone could shed some light on the situation, or if
you could correct the problem so I might hack around it and understand my


Yours gratefully 







# Load required packages for VTK interaction

package require vtk

package require vtkinteraction

package require vtktesting


set AlphaX 0

set AlphaY 0

set AlphaZ 0


# create point for glyphs and lines, within 3D space x,y,z

vtkPoints inputPoints

            inputPoints SetNumberOfPoints 3

            inputPoints InsertPoint 0 1 0 0

            inputPoints InsertPoint 1 0 1 0

            inputPoints InsertPoint 2 -1 0 0


# Convert 'inputPoints' to PolyData for other VTK function to understand

vtkPolyData inputData

            inputData SetPoints inputPoints  


# create a sphere called 'balls'

vtkSphereSource balls

            balls SetRadius .05

            balls SetPhiResolution 10

            balls SetThetaResolution 10


#create a glyph using 'balls' as the object and 'inputData' for location
with 3D space

vtkGlyph3D glyphPoints

            glyphPoints SetInput inputData

            glyphPoints SetSource [balls GetOutput]


#Assign simple mapper to glyph

vtkPolyDataMapper glyphMapper

            glyphMapper SetInput [glyphPoints GetOutput]


#create actor of gylph to enable rendering 

vtkActor glyph

            glyph SetMapper glyphMapper

            eval   [glyph GetProperty] SetDiffuseColor $tomato

            [glyph GetProperty] SetSpecular .3

            [glyph GetProperty] SetSpecularPower 30


# Create the polyline.

vtkCellArray lines

            lines InsertNextCell 4

            lines InsertCellPoint 0 

            lines InsertCellPoint 1 

            lines InsertCellPoint 2 

            lines InsertCellPoint 0 


# will have to contain a command that work out weather it is the last [NODE]
in the current network

#thus determining weather it requires connecting to the first [NODE] to
complete the circuit


# Generate the polyline for the spline using the 'inputPoints' as the start
and end possitions.

vtkPolyData profileData

            profileData SetPoints inputPoints

            profileData SetLines lines


# Add thickness to the resulting line.

vtkTubeFilter profileTubes

            profileTubes SetNumberOfSides 8

            profileTubes SetInput profileData

            profileTubes SetRadius .0075


vtkPolyDataMapper profileMapper

            profileMapper SetInput [profileTubes GetOutput]


vtkActor profile

            profile SetMapper profileMapper

            eval  [profile GetProperty] SetDiffuseColor $banana

            [profile GetProperty] SetSpecular .3

            [profile GetProperty] SetSpecularPower 30


# Now create the RenderWindow, Renderer and Interactor



vtkRenderer ren1

            ren1 AddActor glyph

            ren1 AddActor profile


vtkRenderWindow renWin

            renWin AddRenderer ren1

            renWin SetSize 500 500


vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren

            iren SetRenderWindow renWin


set vtkw [vtkTkRenderWidget .ren \

            -width 300 \

            -height 300 \

            -rw renWin]

# render the image


iren Initialize

iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}


# prevent the tk window from showing up

#wm withdraw .



# Create scroller bars for the user to adjust the position of the


frame .pos


set xaxis [scale .pos.xaxis \

                                    -from 0 -to 3 -res 0.5 \

                                    -orient horizontal \

                                    -label "Adjust 'X' axis:" \

                                    -command changeX]


$xaxis set [inputPoints GetPoint 0]


proc changeX {xres} {

            inputPoints InsertPoint 0 $xres 0 0

            renWin Render



set yaxis [scale .pos.yaxis \

                                    -from 0 -to 3 -res 0.5 \

                                    -orient horizontal \

                                    -label "Adjust 'Y' axis:" \

                                    -command changeY]


$yaxis set [inputPoints GetPoint 0]


proc changeY {yres} {

            inputPoints InsertPoint 0 0 $yres 0

            renWin Render



button .pos.quit -text "Quit" -command ::vtk::cb_exit

button .pos.reset -text "Reset Camera" -command resetCamera


vtkCamera cam1


proc resetCamera {} {

                        cam1 SetClippingRange 0.0 0.0

                        cam1 SetFocalPoint 0.0 0.5 0.0

                        cam1 SetPosition 0.0 0.0 5.0

                        cam1 SetViewUp 0.0 0.0 0.0

            ren1 SetActiveCamera cam1

            renWin Render




pack $xaxis $yaxis .pos.reset .pos.quit -side top -anchor nw -fill both

pack $vtkw .pos -side top -fill both -expand yes


wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW ::vtk::cb_exit


tkwait window .

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