[vtkusers] python ,mayaVI and VTK connect

fred fredmfp at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 12:23:40 EDT 2007

Bryan Van de Ven a écrit :
> Hi Yadin,
> One easy way to get VTK and Mayavi (and Matplotlib, and others, and 
> their dependencies) is to use the Enstaller application. It can fetch 
> and install python and alot of packages automatically as python eggs:
> http://code.enthought.com/enstaller/
> https://svn.enthought.com/enthought/wiki/Enstaller
> Also, for questions specific to Mayavi, it's probably best to direct 
> them to Gael or Prabhu on the enthought-dev mailing list (this list is 
> obviously the best for VTK specific questions!)
My 2 cts:

When Brian says Mayavi, he means Mayavi2 and not mayavi1, as Prabhu has (completely ?) stopped it. Mayavi1 is no more developped or enhanced.

The "official" page for mayavi2 is here:




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