[vtkusers] vtkLocal python wrapping

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Thu Jan 5 08:37:29 EST 2006

I think this issue was fixed with revision 1.13 of 
Examples/Build/vtkLocal/CMakeLists.txt in CVS VTK... This change was 
also merged into the VTK 5.0 branch as revision on 12/14/2005....

Have you updated vtkLocal since then?

It also appears to be listed in the bug tracker as 
http://www.vtk.org/Bug/bug.php?op=show&bugid=2258 - it should be marked 
as resolved/closed in there, I think...

Hope this helps,

Stephane PLOIX wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am trying to create my own vtk extensions classes using the vtkLocal 
> directory.
> The problem is that I only get the python wrapping of the first class 
> declared in the CMakeLists.txt.
> Here is the smallest example to show this behaviour :
> copy vtkLocal to the working directory
> Duplicate vtkLocalExample.cxx and vtkLocalExample.h into 
> vtkLocalExample1.cxx and vtkLocalExample1.h and change vtkLocalExample 
> into vtkLocalExample1 in those new files.
> Add vtkLocalExample1.cxx to the vtkLocal_SRCS variable in CMakeLists.txt
> run cmake and make
> -> no file vtkLocalExample1Python .cxx is created, and when I import 
> libvtkLocalPython in my python script, I don't see the 
> vtkLocalExample1 class (but I see the vtkLocalExample class).
> -> Using the vtkLocalExample1 instead of vtkLocalExample in the test 
> works well -> there is no problem in c++.
> Did I do anything wrong, or is there a bug in the wrapping process?
> Thanks
> SP
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