[vtkusers] install solution for Mac OS X Tiger

Jason Yerardi jyerardi at cs.ohiou.edu
Fri Sep 23 13:29:16 EDT 2005

On Sep 23, 2005, at 10:26 AM, Sean McBride wrote:

> On 2005-09-23 00:44, Jason Yerardi said:
>> 5. Installing from CVS source
>> My last effort (which should have been my FIRST) was to install from
>> CVS source. The first time I tried, I selected both carbon and X11
>> support. This failed because the Mac OS X OpenGL libraries are
>> separate from the X11 OpenGL libraries, but they both use lots of
>> variables with the same names. This caused multiple definition
>> errors, halting the compile process.
>> The next time I tried, I selected only carbon support and deselected
>> ALL occurrences of X11 includes and libs flags in the cmake
>> configuration process. You have to do this because, even if you don't
>> select to build for X11, the default cmake values for X11 includes
>> and libs will remain intact. So you will still get compiler errors.
>> After I removed those X11 flags, the entire compilation went
>> flawlessly without a single error or warning message. I proceeded
>> with "make tests" and all 465 tests passed.
>> Even though all of the tests passed, this install still has a couple
>> of problems. All vtk tcl scripts work flawlessly, including mouse and
>> keyboard event recognition. The problems with the software occur when
>> running interactive Cxx apps. The apps do recognize mouse events, but
>> keyboard events are not. Instead, all keystrokes are simply echoed to
>> the console, as was the case for fink's port of vtk.
> This is due to bug 2025:
> <http://www.vtk.org/Bug/bug.php?op=show&bugid=2025&pos=2>
> Please vote for it. :)

I tried voting for it, but it said the maximum number of people have  
already voted (3 people?!?!?!?).

>> Since I must
>> have this feature for my class, I proceeded as below. (I might still
>> try to install for cocoa only and see what effect that has on this
>> problem.)
> It will have the same problem.

Thanks for the tip, not bothering with the install will save me some  
time and a headache. :)

>> The fact that Cxx apps built with vtk-py23 had complete interactivity
>> (in X11, not carbon or cocoa) led me to believe that if I did an X11-
>> only install from CVS source, I could have fully functional
>> interactive Cxx apps. I built from source with carbon and cocoa
>> support OFF, X11 ON, GUI support ON, and tcl wrapping ON. Again, the
>> compilation was flawless.
> I suspect you are right.

I have noticed another Tcl issue, but it may be script-specific and  
not a vtk problem. The Cone6.tcl tutorial from Step6 has mouse and  
keyboard interactivity, EXCEPT for bringing up the user-defined tcl  
interactive interpreter and exiting when I type 'q' or 'e'. The error  
printed on the console for the first issue is

% vtk Cone6.tcl
Generic Warning: In /Applications/usr/VTK/Common/vtkTclUtil.cxx, line  
Error returned from vtk/tcl callback:
wm deiconify .vtkInteract
bad window path name ".vtkInteract"
     while executing
"wm deiconify .vtkInteract" at line number 1

and the error printed for the second issue is

vtkCarbonRenderWindowInteractor::TerminateApp [this appears however  
many types you type 'q' or 'e']

I am able to use these features in other Tcl scripts, so it must have  
some faulty code? By the way, I do properly set all of the  
appropriate environment variables when switching builds.

>> The problems for this X11-only version are opposite of those for the
>> carbon version. Every Cxx app I have built so far has complete mouse
>> and keyboard interactivity. But, the tcl wrapping has problems. I am
>> able to run non-interactive tcl scripts just fine, but interactive
>> tcl scripts result in seg fault. This would seem to suggest that
>> vtk's interactive window renderer isn't working correctly. The vtk
>> crash log suggests that this may be the case.
> I've never used X11 nor Tcl, so don't have much to suggest.... but can
> we see the crash log please?

Sure, I've attached the crash report for the last couple of crashes.

Here is the error output:

% vtk classes/cs690-graphics/VTK-Examples-Builds/Examples/Tutorial/ 
zsh: segmentation fault  vtk

>> I have two separate builds that when combined satisfy my needs for my
>> graphics and visualization class. It's not the perfect solution, but
>> it's good enough for me. I'm sorry for sending such a long email. But
>> after trying to install vtk on Mac OS X Tiger all week long
>> (literally for several hours each day) and not really finding any
>> helpful fixes (other than the very helpful suggestions to install  
>> vtk-
>> py23 and to install from CVS), I thought that this detailed email
>> would help other Mac users avoid this nightmare.
> Don't apologise, your email was great!
> --
> ____________________________________________________________
> Sean McBride, B. Eng                 sean at rogue-research.com
> Rogue Research                        www.rogue-research.com
> Mac Software Developer              Montréal, Québec, Canada

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