[vtkusers] vtkDecimate

Mike Jackson maillist at bluequartz.net
Mon Nov 21 18:58:40 EST 2005

Is the code for vtkDecimate.cxx being updated for VTK 5.0? I found  
them in the "attic" in CVS and pulled that source down to compile.  
While the source seemed to compile just fine into the dynamic lib  
when I try to link against the vtkGraphics.dylib I get the following  

Ld /Users/mjackson/XcodeBuild/Debug/libMesher.dylib normal ppc
     cd /Users/mjackson/Projects/Mesher
     /usr/bin/g++-4.0 -o /Users/mjackson/XcodeBuild/Debug/ 
libMesher.dylib -L/Users/mjackson/XcodeBuild/Debug -L/Users/mjackson/ 
Development/VTK5-Build/bin -L/Users/mjackson/Projects/Mesher/../../ 
Development/VTK5_bin/bin -F/Users/mjackson/XcodeBuild/Debug - 
filelist /Users/Shared/XcodeIntermediates/Mesher.build/Debug/ 
Mesher.build/Objects-normal/ppc/Mesher.LinkFileList -lvtkCommon - 
lvtkDICOMParser -lvtkexoIIc -lvtkexpat -lvtkFiltering -lvtkfreetype - 
lvtkftgl -lvtkGenericFiltering -lvtkGraphics -lvtkHybrid -lvtkImaging  
-lvtkIO -lvtkjpeg -lvtkMPEG2Encode -lvtkNetCDF -lvtkpng - 
lvtkRendering -lvtksys -lvtktiff -lvtkVolumeRendering -lvtkWidgets - 
lvtkzlib -arch ppc -Wl,-single_module -compatibility_version 1 - 
current_version 1 -dynamiclib -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
ld: Undefined symbols:
/usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed

I am using vtkDecimate in the following way:

in my header file I have;
   vtkSmartPointer < vtkDecimate > decimate;
In my .cpp file I have
  decimate = vtkDecimate::New(); // In the Constructor

This is with OS X 10.4.3/ Xcode 2.2

TIA for any help.
Mike Jackson
mike _at_ bluequartz dot net

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