[vtkusers] Problem with VP500 on vtk4.5 - render window blank

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Fri Feb 13 16:43:14 EST 2004

Just a guess, are you sure you put back VG500, as it has been removed:



anast.jm at pg.com wrote:
> I had a working debug version of vtk4.3 and a Volume Pro 500 tcl example 
> that exercised the card. I recently did a fresh CVS download of vtk4.5 
> (the dash board was all green so I went for it ). All the volume 
> renderers work fine except the VolPro. I get no errors, just a blank 
> render window. If I reactivate my vtk4.3 build, the VolPro script still 
> works fine. I'm not sure what I've done wrong at this point. The only 
> difference from the first build I can think of was a switch from Debug 
> to Release build and to turn on VTK_USE_ANSI_STDLIB. I want to use vtk 
> with itk and I understand ANSI STDLIB is necessary. Any ideas 
> appreciated...thanks, john
> WinXP - CVS 2/11/2004 - Cmake 1.8.3 - TCL 8.3.2 - Cable CVS from 2/2003 
> - GCCXML binaries 2/2003

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