[vtkusers] graphic test error when compiling 4.2.5 with mac 10.3

Xu Zhong Hao xyzhao at singnet.com.sg
Thu Feb 12 03:29:56 EST 2004

Hi Vtk users

Please help me on this, when i compile vtk 4.2.5 with mac 10.3 and 
carbon core, i got this error

/vtk4.2.5build/Graphics/Testing/Cxx: building default_target
Building dependencies. cmake.depends...
Building object file GraphicsCxxTests.o...
Building object file Mace.o...
Building object file expCos.o...
Building object file CellLocator.o...
Building object file PointLocator.o...
Building object file FrustumClip.o...
Building object file RGrid.o...
Building object file volProt.o...
Building executable /vtk4.2.5build/bin/GraphicsCxxTests...
ld: multiple definitions of symbol _zError
/usr/lib/libz.1.dylib(zutil.o) definition of _zError
/vtk4.2.5build/bin/libvtkzlib.a(zutil.o) definition of _zError in 
section (__TEXT,__text)
ld: multiple definitions of symbol _zlibVersion
/usr/lib/libz.1.dylib(zutil.o) definition of _zlibVersion
/vtk4.2.5build/bin/libvtkzlib.a(zutil.o) definition of _zlibVersion in 
section (__TEXT,__text)
make[5]: *** [/vtk4.2.5build/bin/GraphicsCxxTests] Error 1
make[4]: *** [default_target] Error 2
make[3]: *** [default_target_Cxx] Error 2
make[2]: *** [default_target] Error 2
make[1]: *** [default_target_Graphics_Testing] Error 2
make: *** [default_target] Error 2
xyzhao:/vtk4.2.5build xyzhao$

anyone please advice

Zhong Hao

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