[vtkusers] no window interaction on Mac OSX

Peter Stevenson Peter.Stevenson at hgu.mrc.ac.uk
Fri Apr 23 11:14:24 EDT 2004

I have the Apple X11 package installed and (I thought) the SDK as well.
I'll check that out, because yes it may be a problem between Apple X11 
and Fink xfree86.
Here is the output from the fink install of vtk-py23 anyway:-

Information about 1506 packages read in 1 seconds.
The following package will be installed or updated:
The following 2 additional packages will be installed:
 xfree86 xfree86-shlibs
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
dpkg -i 
dpkg: regarding .../xfree86_4.3.99.16-2_darwin-powerpc.deb containing 
 system-xfree86 conflicts with x11
  xfree86 provides x11 and is to be installed.
dpkg: error processing 
 conflicting packages - not installing xfree86
dpkg: regarding .../xfree86-shlibs_4.3.99.16-2_darwin-powerpc.deb 
containing xfree86-shlibs:
 xfree86-shlibs conflicts with system-xfree86
  system-xfree86 (version 4.2-11) is installed.
dpkg: error processing 
 conflicting packages - not installing xfree86-shlibs
Errors were encountered while processing:
### execution of dpkg failed, exit code 1
Failed: can't batch-install packages: 


Martin Costabel wrote:

> On 23 avr. 2004, at 13:06, Peter Stevenson wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply.
>> The fink package won't install because of conflicts with  
>> system-xfree86.
> Could you give some more details of what you did and what happens?
> There are no conflicts that I know of, only incomplete installations.
> If you want to install vtk-py23 from the binary distribution, you 
> need  an X11 installation that consists of
> -either Apple's X11User.pkg
> -or a complete installation of xfree86 from xfree86.org
> -or a Fink xfree86 package
> If you want to install from source, you need additional header and  
> library files, in the first case in addition to the X11User.pkg from  
> Apple, also the X11SDK.pkg from the developer tools.
> The only cases I know of that look like conflicts are where people 
> try  to install from source but don't have the X11SDK.pkg installed. 
> In this  case, fink proposes to compile also a complete xfree86 
> package which  when accepted, will compile OK, but not install, 
> because it doesn't  want to overwrite the existing incomplete X11 
> installation. You then  have to decide whether you want to complete 
> your Apple X11 installation  or to remove it and replace it by a 
> complete xfree86 package from Fink.
> Fink has a FAQ entry about this: #9.11  
> http://fink.sourceforge.net/faq/usage-packages.php?phpLang=en#apple- 
> x11-wants-xfree86

Peter Stevenson         | Peter.Stevenson at hgu.mrc.ac.uk
EMAP Computer Support   | http://genex.hgu.mrc.ac.uk
MRC Human Genetics Unit | Phone: +44 (0)131 332 2471
Edinburgh EH4 2XU. U.K. |

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