[vtkusers] Versions - which one?

James C. Robinson j.robinson at kepler-systems.com
Wed Apr 14 14:01:15 EDT 2004


I just wanted to touch base and see if there have been any developments on
the issues that I had been flagging up. I have created a new version of my
software whereby I have 5 different configurations. These are:

1. Vtk v4.0 - Linear hexahedra (obviously),  - Works, but, streamlines
behave badly (lock up when low flow),
2. Vtk v4.2 - Linear hexahedra, - Works, but, need to test the new
vtkStreamTracer (part of reason for leaving v4.0),
3. Vtk v4.2 - Quadratic hexahedra, - Quads don't work: vtkCutter doesn't
seem to work with Quads,
4. Vtk v4.4 - Linear hexahedra, - Crashes on entry (I haven't traced why
5. Vtk v4.4 - Quadratic hexahedra, - Crashes on entry (I haven't traced why

NB: I abandoned vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter because the colour contouring was
not working properly.

It occurred to me that I should try using the CVS version (I think this
means the latest build with all amendments) in both v4.2 and 4.4. Could you
tell me where to go to download ALL the latest files for both these
versions? (One last one - any advantage in going to v4.5?).

I reiterate that the two main features that I want are (a) better
streamlines (ergo vtkStreamTracer) and (b) quadratic elements (since I use
the quad hexes in my FE analysis).

Finally, for the sceptics and RTFM "merchants" of last months exchanges, it
has been admitted and established that the errors that I was painfully
experiencing were not of my making and are not magically remedied by ready
the manual. The comments that I am hoping to illicit through this mail are
observations of known problems related to the objects that I am using (see
below) and the library versions.

Many thanks,


PS: (For the group also) I list the main objects that I am using (in case
there are obvious bugs).
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pPressureMapper;
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pMaterialMapper;
>   vtkActor          *pMeshPressureActor;
>   vtkActor          *pMeshMaterialActor;
>   vtkFeatureEdges   *pEdges ;
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pEdgeMapper;
>   vtkActor          *pEdgeActor;
> public:
>   vtkPlane          *pPlane ;
>   CPlane            *pCutPlane ;
> protected:
>   vtkCutter         *pCrossSection ;
>   vtkClipPolyData   *pXSectionClipper ;
>   vtkAppendPolyData *pCutMeshData ;
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pXSectionPressureMapper;
>   vtkActor          *pCrossSectionPressureActor ;
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pXSectionMaterialMapper;
>   vtkActor          *pCrossSectionMaterialActor ;
>   vtkFeatureEdges   *pCutWireFrame ;
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pCutWireFrameMapper;
>   vtkActor          *pCutEdgeActor;
>   vtkFeatureEdges   *pOutline ;
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pOutlineMapper ;
>   vtkActor          *pOutlineActor ;
> public:
>   vtkContourFilter  *pIsoSurface ;
> protected:
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pIsoSurfaceMapper ;
>   vtkActor          *pIsoSurfaceActor ;
>   vtkRungeKutta2    *pIntegrator2 ;
>   vtkRungeKutta4    *pIntegrator4 ;
> public:
>   vtkStreamLine     *pStreamLine ;
>   vtkPMTubeFilter   *pStreamTube ;
>   vtkActor          *pStreamActor ;
> protected:
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pStreamMapper ;
> public:
>   vtkPlaneSource    *pFlowPlane ;
>   CPlane            *pMyFlowPlane ;
> protected:
>   vtkConeSource     *pFlowArrow ;
>   vtkGlyph3D        *pFlowPlaneArrows ;
>   vtkProbeFilter    *pFlowProbe ;
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pFlowPlaneMapper ;
>   vtkActor          *pFlowPlaneActor ;
>   vtkAppendPolyData *pFlowPlaneData ;
>   vtkFeatureEdges   *pFlowPlaneOutline ;
>   vtkCollection     *pCompletions ;
>   vtkAppendPolyData *pCompletionsData ;
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pCompletionsMapper;
>   vtkActor          *pCompletionsActor ;
>   vtkSphereSource   *pStreamPoint ;
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pStreamPointMapper ;
> public:
>   vtkActor          *pStreamPointActor ;
> protected:
>   vtkTransform      *pTransform ;
>   vtkTransformPolyDataFilter *pTransformF ;
>   vtkLookupTable    *pLut ;
>   vtkLookupTable    *pScalarBarLut ; // Just for display
>   vtkLookupTable    *pMatLut ;
>   vtkScalarBarActor *pScalarBar ;
>   vtkTextMapper     *pTitleMapper ;
>   vtkActor2D        *pTitleActor ;
> protected:
>   vtkArrowSource    *pXAxis ;
>   vtkArrowSource    *pYAxis ;
>   vtkArrowSource    *pZAxis ;
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pXAxisMapper ;
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pYAxisMapper ;
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pZAxisMapper ;
> // Labels for the triad
>   vtkVectorText     *pXLabel ;
>   vtkVectorText     *pYLabel ;
>   vtkVectorText     *pZLabel ;
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pXLabelMapper ;
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pYLabelMapper ;
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *pZLabelMapper ;
> public:
>   vtkActor          *pXAxisActor ;
>   vtkActor          *pYAxisActor ;
>   vtkActor          *pZAxisActor ;
>   vtkFollower       *pXLabelActor ;
>   vtkFollower       *pYLabelActor ;
>   vtkFollower       *pZLabelActor ;
>   vtkCallbackCommand *pCBCommand ;


James C. Robinson, PhD,
Chartered Engineer,
Kepler Simulation Systems Ltd.,
42 Rivergrove,
Glanmire, Co. Cork,

Tel:         +353-21-4822028
Tel:         +353-87-2393010
Fax:        +353-21-4822028
E-mail:     j.robinson at kepler-systems.com

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