[vtkusers] problems with vtkWin32VideoSource

N.E Mackenzie-Mackay 9nem at qlink.queensu.ca
Mon Apr 5 12:25:16 EDT 2004

Here is a silly question that I assume has an easy answer.  I am 
getting a linking error when trying to add vtkWin32VideoSource.  I have 
added Hybrid.lib to my C++ project and have the "bin" directory of the 
vtk42 folder added to my system path.  Is there something else that I 
could be missing?

Here is the error:

   unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static 
class vtkWin32VideoSource * __cdecl vtkWin32VideoSource::New(void)" 
(__imp_?New at vtkWin32VideoSource@@SAPAV1 at XZ)

Thanks for the help in advance,

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