[vtkusers] Re:Land topography with distinct colors

Mdl mdl78 at libero.it
Tue Mar 11 18:27:26 EST 2003

As far as I know, you should use the
vtkPolyData::GetPointData()->SetScalars() method to assign the L value to
each point. The method takes a vtkXXXArray as the parameter, so you should
prepare this array with the L values.
Then, maybe, you also need to tell VTK to use those scalars, with
And, of course, tell the vtkPolyDataMapper which vtkLookupTable to use, with

Hope this is right
(and this is what you need!),

                        Marco Di Lorenzo
                        (mdl78 at libero.it)

IAC-CNR di Roma
Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "M. Picone"
Viale del Policlinico, 137
00161, Roma

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