[vtkusers] Volume rendering

Sepp^ Huber sepp.huber21 at gmx.at
Fri Feb 28 11:57:04 EST 2003

Hi all,

I've got the following problem that I'd like to create a volume rendering
for some simple data that I have at my hands. In principle I do have a bunch of
indexed cells/voxels and a corresponding value from radiation measurements.
Now I'd like to create a volume rendering of this data.

In principle I've set everything up including the ray casting functions and
so on. The crucial point is how to provide the data:

 vtkVolumeRayCastMapper* pVolumeMapper = vtkVolumeRayCastMapper::New();
 pVolumeMapper->SetInput( m_pData );

In this approach m_pData is a vtkStructuredPoints object which is filled
with a bunch of scalars (my radiation values). The problem is that I don't
really know how to set up the scalars in the correct order. 

I do it the following way but this works only if the dimensions of X & Y & Z
are the same.

    for( Iter = Data.begin(); Iter != Data.end(); Iter++ ) {
          Iter->GetPos( X, Y, Z);
          Val = Iter->GetVal();
          Index = X + Y * DimY * DimZ + Z * DimZ;    // calculate an index
from 3D coordinates
          pScalars->InsertScalar( Index, Val);

          if( Val < m_MinVal )
            m_MinVal = Val;
          if( Val > m_MaxVal )
            m_MaxVal = Val;

        m_pData->GetPointData()->SetScalars( pScalars );   // connect to
test data

If the dimensions are different then the whole picture looks scrambled.
Probably the calculation of the index from the voxel coordinates is wrong. If
somebody could give me a hint or point out a different way of doing it or any
other solution I'd be REALLY REALLY REALLY grateful!!!!

Thanks very much

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