[vtkusers] Collsion Detection VCollide

David.Pont at ForestResearch.co.nz David.Pont at ForestResearch.co.nz
Sun Feb 23 15:46:36 EST 2003

Hi Greg,
A quick Google turned up:

-looks like it has been done-  how good is your Italian?

   For a code-your-own alternative how about this: I have a class that
treats polydata as an implicit function. Someone a long while back
mentioned they were interested in using it for collision detection. The
basic algorithm is simple: iterate all the points in a polygonal data set,
find closestPoint in the other data set. Perform dot product of the two
points (using normal vectors). Zero or negative values would mean the
surfaces have collided. The 'iterate every point' sounds expensive so a
quick and dirty first test could test the bounds of the two data sets
first, if they overlap, then do the closestPoint thing... but then again a
pre-packaged vtkVCollide sounds like the way to go.

    Dave Pont

|        |          gpettit                |
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|        |          23/02/2003 09:48       |
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  |      To:     vtkusers at public.kitware.com                                                                   |
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  |      Subject:     [vtkusers] Collsion Detection VCollide                                                   |

Back in March of 2002 there was some discussion about collision detection
the vtk mailing list.  I understand that CINECA did some work to wrap the
VCollide algorithms into a VTK filter.  One of the developers at CINECA,
Marco, mentioned that he may make this filter public on their website.
any one have any further information on this topic or any other collision
detection routines in VTK. My application is robotics related.

Many Thanks,

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