[vtkusers] another question about vtkInteractorStyleTrackballActor

Jeff Lee jeff at cdnorthamerica.com
Thu Oct 24 10:15:50 EDT 2002

Simon Chatelain wrote:

> Thanks to Jeff: i undestand how to set an interactor style.
> Buut i have now to questions more:
> first : what is exactly changed when using this interactor, the 
> vtkActor or the vtkPolydata ?
>           In fact i need to apply the same transformations on another 
> mesh in an other frame,
>            but i d'ont know how to get the transformation applied on 
> the actor.

depending on the interactor style, either the camera is moved, or the 
actor is moved.  The underlying polydata is never modified.

> second : i have multiple actor in my vtkRenderWindow, but i want that 
> only one can be modified by
>               user. Typically i d'ont want that the user move the 
> axesActor.
>                Actually, i check each time the mouse button is pressed 
> if the actor under the mouse is or not
>                the actor who can be moved and set the interactor style.

vtkInteractorStyleSwitch has both actor and camera modes -  see the 
documentation for a description of keypresses.

>                here is the code :
>     public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
>    {
>        super.mousePressed(e);
>        this.pickActor(e.getX(),e.getY());
>        if (this.activeActor == this.parent.instrumentMeshActor)
>        {
>            System.out.println("Instrument picked");
>            // set the interactor style to trackballActor
>            iren.SetInteractorStyle(ista);
>        }
>        else
>        {
>            System.out.println("Other mesh picked");
>            // set the interaction style to trackballCamera
>            iren.SetInteractorStyle(istc);
>        }
>    }
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