[vtkusers] MFC + VisualC 6.0 + VTK

Giancarlo Amati amati at ira.cnr.it
Sat Jun 22 06:26:18 EDT 2002

Hello everybody,

I finaly obtaind my .dll and .lib after 1 hour of compiling and now I 
produced dll and lib.

How can I set the "project settings" properties in visual C++ 6.0 to use 
VTK library?

thank a lot

dott. Giancarlo Amati                  |
(amati at ira.cnr.it)                     |
National Research Council              |
RadioAstronomical Institute            |
office phone n. +39 051 6399405        |
via Gobetti 101 - Bologna (Italy)      |

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