[vtkusers] Reading a single 3D file?

anast.jm at pg.com anast.jm at pg.com
Mon Jan 28 15:14:29 EST 2002

billo, here's a small tcl snippet that should help

# Simple volume rendering example.
vtkImageReader reader
   reader DebugOn
   reader SetFileName "uct01.raw"
   reader SetFileDimensionality 3
   reader SetDataExtent 0 100 0 50 1 51
   reader SetDataOrigin 0 0 0
   reader SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedChar
   reader SetDataMask 0x7fff
   reader SetDataSpacing 0.0301 0.0301 0.0300
   reader SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian
   reader SetHeaderSize 44


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                  "William R. Oliver"           To:   vtkusers at public.kitware.com          
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                                        Subject:      [vtkusers] Reading a single 3D file? 
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                  01/28/2002 01:26 PM                                                      

I have a single file that contains 3D data (32-bit signed integers).
I know the dimensionality, etc. and I want to read in the file
to do volume rendering.

In reading "The Visualization Toolkit User's Guide," I see
how to read in a volume from a series of 2D images, but nothing
to read in 3D data from one file of ints.

Is there a "read raw" command in VTK?



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