[vtkusers] Reading a single 3D file?
William R. Oliver
oliver at afip.org
Mon Jan 28 16:05:24 EST 2002
Thanks! I'm playing with that now. For some reason,
when reading the man pages, I got the impression vtkImageReader
only worked with 2D images, and vtkVolume Reader only
worked with stacks of 2D images.
I modified the script you so kindly gave me to fit
my data (e.g. Short instead of Unsigned char,etc.).
I don't have a clue as to what SetDataMask does, but
it doesn't seem to matter whether I leave it in or out.
Now I have another question -- I think I have some
scaling issues. When I modified the simple
volume Renderer in the Examples directory, I get
a blank image (no opacity that I can see).
However, when I modify the Examples/ImageProcessing/Histogram.tcl
code, my image looks good on a slice-per-slice basis. Thus, I
don't have a permutation, etc. problem when reading the data. The
only big thing is that I had to change the windowing in the vtkImageViewer
dramatically. I had to change SetColorWindow to 20000, and SetColorLevel
to 5000.
I would have thought I could have taken care of that in the volume
renderer by setting my opacities right -- I would have thought
that setting, say, a value of 2.0 to have an opacity of 1.0
in the opacity transfer function would make most of the data
cube opaque. But it does not. Nothing I do gives me any
opacity. The color transfer function code in the example
causes a core dump, though no crash occurs when I remove it.
Do I have to scale the data to 0 - 255 *before* sending it
to the ray casting renderer?
Any ideas?
On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 anast.jm at pg.com wrote:
> billo, here's a small tcl snippet that should help
> # Simple volume rendering example.
> vtkImageReader reader
> reader DebugOn
> reader SetFileName "uct01.raw"
> reader SetFileDimensionality 3
> reader SetDataExtent 0 100 0 50 1 51
> reader SetDataOrigin 0 0 0
> reader SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedChar
> reader SetDataMask 0x7fff
> reader SetDataSpacing 0.0301 0.0301 0.0300
> reader SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian
> reader SetHeaderSize 44
> ...john
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> From: "William R. Oliver" <oliver at afip.org>@public.kitware.com on 01/28/2002
> 01:26 PM
> "William R. Oliver" To: vtkusers at public.kitware.com
> <oliver at afip.org>@public.kitware.com Cc: (bcc: John Anast-JM/PGI)
> Subject: [vtkusers] Reading a single 3D file?
> Sent by:
> vtkusers-admin at public.kitware.com
> 01/28/2002 01:26 PM
> I have a single file that contains 3D data (32-bit signed integers).
> I know the dimensionality, etc. and I want to read in the file
> to do volume rendering.
> In reading "The Visualization Toolkit User's Guide," I see
> how to read in a volume from a series of 2D images, but nothing
> to read in 3D data from one file of ints.
> Is there a "read raw" command in VTK?
> Thanks!
> billo
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