[vtkusers] Rotation and low details problems

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Fri Feb 1 23:44:29 EST 2002

>>>>> "GR" == Goe Rabbaa <goe_cs_cu at yahoo.com> writes:

    GR> Hello 
 I am a student in the faculty of computer science , I
    GR> am developing my graduation project and I have faced two
    GR> problems :

    GR> 1) at the beginning of showing our complex model (3ds Model)
    GR> on the vtk Window it seems as if it has been drawn in low
    GR> details (although we have insured that we are using the best
    GR> detail level of the LOD). After clicking a mouse button 

This is a long standing problem with using LODActors.  AFAIK, the way
most of us get around this is to simply not use LOD actors. :(


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