[vtkusers] RenderLargeImage multiple times

Christian Poecher poecher at icom-consulting.de
Thu Oct 11 07:47:29 EDT 2001


I would like to add a "Save Image in High Res" button to my
appliacation. Therefore
I used the class vtkRenderLargeImage in conjuction with vtkBMPWriter.
code is nearly identical to the example in

vtkRenderLargeImage renderLarge
vtkBMPWriter writer

proc snapshot {renWin} {
    set types { { {Images BMP} {.bmp} } }
    set fileSnap [tk_getSaveFile -title "Save Snapshot" -filetypes

    renderLarge SetInput ren1
    renderLarge SetMagnification 2
    renderLarge Update 
    writer SetInput [renderLarge GetOutput]
    writer SetFileName $fileSnap
    writer Write
    $renWin Render 

But if I move the object I display a little bit and press on "Save" and
trigger the procedure again, the _old_ image is written again. So it
looks like
there is an update problem.
Can anybody tell me why?

Another inconveniece: If I have something over the visualization window
(e.g. the window with the GUI-Controls), the image shows those
windows. This behaviour has already been posted by several individuals
before me.
Is there a solution for this problem by now?


Christian Poecher                      mailto:poecher at icom-consulting.de
ICOM GmbH   					Phone: +49 241 9367-1554
Schloss-Rahe-Str. 15, 52072 Aachen, Germany     Fax  : +49 241 9367-1589

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