[vtkusers] problem to define RGB

Elkin Arroyo elkin at kana.stanford.edu
Tue Nov 13 18:52:18 EST 2001

Hi VTKusers

Right now we are trying do display some seismic data using
VTK libraries, sesimic images are just a single 3D array 
of values (amplitudes), and a colormap to represent it in
So we used vtkStructuredPoints and we defined
a  vtkLookUpTable and  it worked ok. But now we want
to display some kind of texture mapping, wich is to
display the amplitudes along with other value called
"RMS velocities"

Therefore now we need to input 3
different scalar values to each point in the
vtkStructuredPoints, each one of this values corresponding respectively
to the R,G,B components of the color image. Do you happen to know how we
can plot it ?

Thanks beforehands

Elkin Arroyo
Numerica Ltda 

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