[vtkusers] CScrollview for vtkwin32imagewindow.cpp

yexiang Mo yexiangmo at yahoo.com
Wed May 16 00:05:44 EDT 2001

I am new to VTK and need some helps on 2D view.
I need to show a stack of image on 2D view window.
A regular window can not show all the image on 
screen. So I try to make the view window scrollable.
However, I find the VTK always shift the image
position back whenever I try to scroll the window. 
In other word,in some place of VTK, they overwrite
the "OnScrolling" message sent by MFC right after
swapping iamge buffer. Anyone had this experience?
How do I modify the code to handle this?

I searched the email list and found that Roland
Schwarz already have some experience for this
problem. However, I am not able to reach him
by his email address.


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