[vtkusers] Applay transformatio to 3D-Imagedata
David Gobbi
dgobbi at irus.rri.on.ca
Fri Apr 20 09:26:11 EDT 2001
Hi Peter,
In order to match the output of vtkImageReslice to a specific
vtkImageData (called 'data' for example), you have to use
data UpdateInformation
reslice SetOutputSpacing [data GetSpacing]
reslice SetOutputOrigin [data GetOrigin]
reslice SetOutputExtent [data GetWholeExtent]
also, when you apply a tranformation with vtkImageReslice you must
invert the transformation first:
reslice SetResliceTransformation [transform GetInverse]
- David
David Gobbi, MSc dgobbi at irus.rri.on.ca
Advanced Imaging Research Group
Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario
On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Peter Böttcher wrote:
> Dear vtk-users!
> I am currently working on a matching toll for 3D medical data. I read in
> my data with vtkImageReader and
> would like to apply a repeatable transformation to the vtkImageData. I
> worked around with vtkImageReslice, but the reslicing changes the
> matching volume. Is there a simple way to get the points of the image
> data, transform them (12DOF) so I can apply my matching program to the
> transformed points?
> I can't find any filter which gets a transformation and vtkImageData as
> input!!
> Thanks,
> Peter.
> --
> Dr. Peter Böttcher
> |
> |-Chirurgische Tierklinik
> | Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine und Spezielle Chirurgie, einschließlich
> Augenkrankheiten
> |
> |-Institut für TieranatomieI
> |
> Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
> Veterinärstr. 13
> D-80539 München
> Germany
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