[vtkusers] Improving VTK packages: some suggestions. [long]

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Fri Nov 24 13:17:05 EST 2000


>>>>> "Sebastien" == Sebastien BARRE <seb-ml-vtk at barre.nom.fr> writes:

    >> so if we discuss about installation, we should also try to
    >> remove the pcmaker and make a unique way of installing vtk.

    Sebastien> I'm not sure it's gonna happen soon :)

I agree with you.  Here are some thoughts:

   (a) CMake sounds nice but isnt there yet.  The same is true for the
   other suggestions at software-carpentry.  ScCons looks easy and
   nice but I dont know if there is a working implementation.

   (b) It is a far larger task to make changes that completely
   revolutionizes the way VTK is built.  This will take quite a long

   (c) What I had suggested is very doable, simplifies life for
   installations on any of the unices (and ofcourse simplifies package
   building).  As indicated in my earlier mail the ideas are
   relatively concrete - add simple shell scripts here and there and
   add hooks to the make files.  This will in all probabilty not
   affect the current functionality of VTK.

   (d) I dont know how the pcmaker thing works, so I really cannot
   comment on it but as I see it the pcmaker stuff is kind of
   independent.  It has a directory all to itself with things like
   tk82.lib and other executables.  So is it not possible to make a
   nice auto compile utility (using scripts) for Windows.  Just as an
   rpm requires a spec file there must be some equivalent for Windows,
   no?  Of course, I dont know how the MAC, plan9, amiga, BeOS or any
   other OS handles building...

So I ask the question again.  Should I go ahead and add my
improvements and send them to someone for approval?  Please let me


Thanks Sebastien for the information on build utilities.  It was
useful.  Would you mind if your doxygen conversio scripts were added
to the VTK source tree?


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