Suggestion: Re: Archive of the mailing list is down (AGAIN)

Vetle Roeim vetler at
Fri May 26 18:52:48 EDT 2000

on 2000-05-26, Audrius Stundzia wrote:

> A solution that strikes me as simple would be to create a usenet
> newsgroup and either 1) have the current listserver
> post a copy of each message to the newsgroup or 2) the current listserver is 
> abandoned and everyone simply posts directly to the
> newsgroup. Several free sites,,, offer
> archival searching.

Creating a newsgroup has been discussed before. It requires a substantial
effort to create a newsgroup. Also, people were concerned about

I am still pro-newsgroup. Although I post to several newsgroups, the spam
I recieve is tolerable. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to go through
the process of creating a newsgroup.

But there is a news-server that mirrors the list, although it does not
send messages posted there to the mailinglist. The server is


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