Casteel, Don dcasteel at TAC.Textron.com
Fri May 19 13:58:47 EDT 2000

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Brown, Keith - Athens 
> Sent:	Friday, May 19, 2000 8:33 AM
> To:	TAC - Athens All
> Subject:	NEW VIRUS --- INFO
> Importance:	High
> There is a new virus even more distructive than "Love Letter" that is now
> trying to spread around the globe.  It is not very widespread thus far,
> BUT I am giving heads up warning to try to thwart this virus if does make
> it to us.  This is a difficult virus because it "transforms".  The
> mutation occurs in three different places. First, the virus changes the
> subject header of the email by selecting at random from various document
> files found on the victim's computer and adopting that file's name,
> preceded by "FW:".Next, the virus renames itself with the same name,
> followed by ".vbs". It has not spread as fast as LOVE BUG, but it is much
> more destructive.  It will have an attachment with it that the name should
> end in the letters ".vbs".  The "vbs" stands for "Visual Basic Script",
> which Visual Basic is a programming language.  We should all be concerned
> with what we are opening from our mail clients.  There is NO REASON to
> ever open a file attachment with the extension of ".vbs".  Please pay
> special attention to this, as new viruses will try to "mimick" how the
> LOVE BUG worked.  Therefore, a lot of copycats.  
> Those of you who have Internet connectivity could read more about this
> virus at:
> http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/cn/20000519/tc/new_virus_more_destructive_tha
> n_love__4.html
> Keith Brown, MCSE
> Network Specialist - Athens
> Phone: 423-744-1013
> Pager:  423-744-1518
>  <<Brown, Keith - Athens.vcf>> 
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