More on leaks

obara obara at
Fri May 12 11:07:43 EDT 2000

Hi Tom,

I have been able to use purify version 5.1b (Beta) with vtk 3.1.2, 
OpenGL, and Workshop's compilers and it works fine.  I believe that there 
is now a non-beta version 5.1 but I have not tried it yet.


>I've done a bit more investigation, including trying to run Purify on
>the leaky example I posted.  The Purified version dumps core in
>_register_frame_info in libstdc++, long before getting near my code --
>if anyone has had success with Purify on a VTK app  on Solaris I'd love
>to hear from you;  I've got a request in to Rational tech support, but
>I'm not holding out a lot of hope on that front.
>Using gdb, I've tracked the leak down to somewhere close to the line 271
>in vtkOpenGLPolydataMapper.cxx (this in VTK 3.1 release), which is:
>	this->Draw(ren,act);
>The interaction with the windowing system is tricky, and the growth in
>the app's size does not appear to show up until the window is actually
>re-rendered, which suggests this is due to some subtle interaction with
>OpenGL, but I'm so far beyond my competence here that that's just a
>Any thoughts or insights would be greatly appreciated.

Robert M. O'Bara
Senior Software Engineer
Simmetrix Inc.
1223 Peoples Ave.
Troy, NY 12180

Lab: (518) 276-2867
Main Office: (518) 276-2729

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