saving/restoring views..

Rainer Sabelka sabelka at
Wed May 3 04:08:16 EDT 2000

"K.R.Subramanian" wrote:

> Is there a convenient way to save a particular view (camera,
> perspective, etc.) so that
> the application can be brought back at a later time to the same view?
> [...]

I'm using the following tcl functions to save and restore the camera
If you want to use this script with the latest nightly vtk you'll
probably have to change it according to the mail from David Gobbi [New
vtkCamera class] on Mon, 1 May 2000 15:35:38 -0400 (EDT).

proc saveCamera { fileName } {
        set filePtr [open $fileName w]
        set camera "\[ren1 GetActiveCamera\]"
        set activeCamera [ren1 GetActiveCamera]
        puts $filePtr "$camera SetPosition [$activeCamera GetPosition]"
        puts $filePtr "$camera SetFocalPoint [$activeCamera GetFocalPoint]"
        puts $filePtr "$camera SetViewAngle [$activeCamera GetViewAngle]"
        puts $filePtr "$camera SetViewUp [$activeCamera GetViewUp]"
        puts $filePtr "$camera SetViewPlaneNormal [$activeCamera GetViewPlaneNormal]"
        close $filePtr

# load a saved camera position

proc loadCamera { fileName } {
        global renWin

        #load the camera position
        source $fileName
        puts "file read"


        $renWin Render

#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# set the position of the light to the position of the active camera

proc reset_light {} {

        set lights [ren1 GetLights]
        puts "got lights $lights"
        set num_lights [$lights GetNumberOfItems]
        if { $num_lights == 1 } {
                puts "has $num_lights lights"
                $lights InitTraversal
                set light [$lights GetNextItem]
                puts "got light $light"
                set activeCamera [ren1 GetActiveCamera]
                set position [$activeCamera GetPosition]
                set pos0 [lindex $position 0]
                set pos1 [lindex $position 1]
                set pos2 [lindex $position 2]
                puts "position=($pos0,$pos1,$pos2)"
                $light SetPosition $pos0 $pos1 $pos2

 Rainer Sabelka                     | Institute for Microelectronics
 phone:  +43 1 58801-36029          | Technical University Vienna
 fax:    +43 1 58801-36099          | Gusshausstrasse 27-29/E360
 e-mail: sabelka at   | A-1040 Vienna, Austria/Europe

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