Camera near Actor

Lisa S. Avila lisa.avila at
Thu Jan 20 11:41:38 EST 2000

Hello Satoshi,

If the clipping planes are your problem, you can simply call 


This should reset the range so that all props (actors and volumes) are
within the clipping range. If you are inside of an object, the near plane
will be set to 0.01. If you need to try making this number smaller so that
the near clipping plane is closer to the camera, look in vtkRenderer.cxx at
this method:

void vtkRenderer::ResetCameraClippingRange( float bounds[6] )

and change this line:

range[0] = (range[0] < 0.01)?(0.01):(range[0]);

to use a smaller limit than 0.01. Be careful because too small a number can
lead to precision problems in the perspective matrix.


At 06:17 PM 1/20/00 +0900, Yamamoto Satoshi wrote:
>response, Thank you, Lisa.
>>Try changing the ViewAngle parameter of the vtkCamera. If you increase the
>>value (the default is 30.0 - try changing it to 60.0) you'll be able to
>>keep more of your actor in view while being close to it.
>I increase the ViewAngle parameter of vtkCamera.
>Sure, you said it.
>But It is different from issue I have.
>I worry that a part or my actor disappear on Screen.
>Not out of sight but in sight.(Screen = Window)
>It happen 'Camera near Actor'.
>the hiding is only not that there is Black plate front Actor.
>Now I draw volume rendering object without MarchingCubes to Screen.
>Is it bad ?
>Now I use my vtkActor like vol.tcl or volSimple.tcl of vtkDemo.
>It desen't happen in vol.tcl.
>I think Something relation ClippingRange ....
>I can't compose this problem ,
>  I write(ren->GetActiveCamera()->SetClippingRange(1,1000);)
>I can't write (renderer->ResetCameraClippingRange();)
> What this Method?,,,Isn't there it vtk 2.4 ?
>I'm worried.
>Satoshi Yamamoto
>satoshi at
>Sys'Art Ltd. TEL 03-3424-0981 in Japan
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