Core dumping on large vertex set

Maneesh Yadav 97yadavm at
Sun Apr 9 18:13:49 EDT 2000

Just some additional info..
I'm pretty sure my loading code does work fine (I have the same stuff
hooked to direct openGL and it's fine, handles 20k verts no prob)

Apparently it is core dumping on a little above 2000
verticies (I guess I just lucked out trying one of my files that was
1200 verts )

On Sat, 8 Apr 2000, Maneesh Yadav wrote:

> Hi all,
> While still struggling to get VTK to work totally on my system (I still
> have no idea why doesn't work) I was fooling around just to see
> if I could write a little pdb (protien databank)  viewer..
> The little code snippet of where I put in the data is here (I don't
> understand it totally conceptually..I know PolyVertex is the visual type
> of thing I am going to display and the grid.. maps float points to the
> vtkPolyVertex?)
> polyVertexPoints = vtkFloatPoints()
> polyVertexPoints.SetNumberOfPoints(len(test.atoms)) i=0 for atom in
> test.atoms:
> polyVertexPoints.InsertPoint(i,atom.position[0],atom.position[1],atom.position[2])
>  i=i+1
> aPolyVertex = vtkPolyVertex()
> aPolyVertex.GetPointIds().SetNumberOfIds(len(test.atoms)) print
> len(test.atoms) i=0 for i in range(0,(len(test.atoms)-1),1):
>  aPolyVertex.GetPointIds().SetId(i,i) aPolyVertexGrid =
> vtkUnstructuredGrid() aPolyVertexGrid.Allocate(1,1)
> aPolyVertexGrid.InsertNextCell(aPolyVertex.GetCellType(),
> aPolyVertex.GetPointIds())
> aPolyVertexGrid.SetPoints(polyVertexPoints)
> (BTW I am kind of new to python also, so there might very well something
> obviously wrong with the way I have the loops organized..feel free to
> point it out)
> Works great for small PDBs, but I core dump on a-hemolysin (20k atoms=20k
> verticies). This is a little large I know, I have I
> seriously mis-using the
> data structures in anyway (is vtk meant to handle type of stuff and this
> big?)
> I would like to write a some molecular modelling applications in vtk as
> the hard stuff is taken of for me :)..but am I making a catagoreical
> mistake in using VTK for this type of app? 
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