Core dumping on large vertex set

Maneesh Yadav 97yadavm at
Sat Apr 8 03:41:25 EDT 2000

Hi all,
While still struggling to get VTK to work totally on my system (I still
have no idea why doesn't work) I was fooling around just to see
if I could write a little pdb (protien databank)  viewer..
The little code snippet of where I put in the data is here (I don't
understand it totally conceptually..I know PolyVertex is the visual type
of thing I am going to display and the grid.. maps float points to the

polyVertexPoints = vtkFloatPoints()
polyVertexPoints.SetNumberOfPoints(len(test.atoms)) i=0 for atom in

aPolyVertex = vtkPolyVertex()
aPolyVertex.GetPointIds().SetNumberOfIds(len(test.atoms)) print
len(test.atoms) i=0 for i in range(0,(len(test.atoms)-1),1):
 aPolyVertex.GetPointIds().SetId(i,i) aPolyVertexGrid =
vtkUnstructuredGrid() aPolyVertexGrid.Allocate(1,1)

(BTW I am kind of new to python also, so there might very well something
obviously wrong with the way I have the loops organized..feel free to
point it out)

Works great for small PDBs, but I core dump on a-hemolysin (20k atoms=20k
verticies). This is a little large I know, I have I
seriously mis-using the
data structures in anyway (is vtk meant to handle type of stuff and this

I would like to write a some molecular modelling applications in vtk as
the hard stuff is taken of for me :)..but am I making a catagoreical
mistake in using VTK for this type of app? 

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