Nightly : ImageReader Bugs

John Biddiscombe j.biddiscombe at
Tue Oct 12 20:35:51 EDT 1999

>Also. BMPReader (when supplied with good file name (256 colour) produces
>image with desired contents, but colour table mangled. - possibly RGB as
>BGR or some combination.

Relevent to what I wrote here....I just tried a BMP reader of my own
creation and got a similar problem (ie my image was all blue with green
lines instead of pinky with red ones). I'm texture mapping the image onto a it possible there's a dodgy bit in vtkTexture?

Do I have to be very careful with my scalar types on input to the texture

                 Plane  -> |
StructurePoints->Texture-> Actor


OK...I just tried saving the image as a TIFF file and using
vtkTIFFReader....same problem. Colours mangled. Blue and green instead of

TIFFReader doesn't support compressed images - no problem...but what does
"only supports one strip" mean?

Any assistance gratefully received.

John B

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