JacobiN problem

Peter Everett peverett at bwh.harvard.edu
Mon Jun 14 13:47:59 EDT 1999

> Are you saying the eigenvectors are being returned as the rows or
> as the columns of the matrix?
> It is pretty standard for eigenvectors to form the columns of a matrix.
> Is this what you are seeing?
> i.e. v[0][0] is the first element of the first eigenvector, v[0][1] is
> the first element of the second eigenvector, v[0][2] is the first element
> of the third eigenvector, etc.
> This is the intention of the routine.  Let me know if this is not the case.

That would be fine if v were passed as a matrix. The interface to JacobiN
is an array of N eigenvectors ( float *v[]; ). One would therefore expect
v[0] to be the first principal axis, and v[N-1] to be the last (the normal
to the least-squares, best-fit hyperplane).

I understand the conflict between the two ways of passing a matrix, and
that often an NxN matrix is passed as N vectors of size N. In my case, I
am dealing strictly with vectors and have no matrices. My vectors are
stored individually, in non-contiguous memory, and loaded using v[0]=v0....
I would therefore expect v0 to be a solution to the eigenvector problem,
not an array of x coordinates.

-Peter C. Everett

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